Summer 2020 Registration Info

by Bryan Panchuk

We're gearing up for another exciting Summer season and just wanted to announce that SUMMER REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!  Season will feature all the great things from last summer like the 3on3 tournament, awards night, players of the game shirts, monthly player newsletters, goalie whatsapp chat, hockeyshift app but with some changes (listed below) that came about after a lot of offseason discussions with various teamreps. 

Game Changers

  • We have frozen the league fees for the 2020 Summer season so everything is the same rate as last summer!  
  • Once the team is registered, your players can easily just register themselves to the team and you can distribute payment requests to them as well
  • Like last season, if you would like to pay the deposit by cash, cheque or email transfer, please email the league and we will contact you to manually register you into the system.  

Bonus: Bring in a new team and receive $250 off your league fee (increased from $100) **Team must be new to the league within the last 3 years 

Earlybird Incentives: Pay the deposit by the earlybird deadline to be entered into a draw for earlybird prizes (beer keg, canuck tickets, practice times, Gift certificates) AND/OR Pay in full by the regular registration deadline and receive a $160 credit and 2 Bonus Pucks


  • Increased focus on Player safety - some of you might have heard this before and feel not enough was done but this year we are putting some more initatives in place so that there is an increased focus to make players feel safe from dirty or dangerous plays.  
    • We are going to be hiring some bodies to be more eyes at the rink watching the game play, penalty calls, sandbagging.  Will also have more eyes doing evaluations on refs to make sure they are following through on the rules that we have laid out. 
    • There have already been discussions with the head referee that refs are to have stronger calls for dangerous acts such as punches to the head, slewfoots and boarding/checking from behind.  In addition, any 4 minute roughing call will now be accompanied with a game ejection.
    • Captains should always been in control of their team and some teamreps feel that other captains are not always in as much control as they should be.  Therefore, captains will also be suspended for 1 game for any player on their team that receives a suspension of 3 games or more (if the captain isn't present at the game, then the alternate for the game will be suspended one game)
    • There are new suspension guidelines posted on the website so you can hold us accountable to the proper number of games
    • Finally, if any of the above fails and you feel that there was a serious infraction that wasn't called and should have been, we have created a new form so that you can challenge the call with management (every team will be allowed to do this once and if the challenge is valid you can get the challenge back).  The challenge will be discussed with the head referee and any other ref or off-floor officials at the game that were not part of the original call.  If a dispute can be coorborated by other unbiased third parties at the game, the dispute could lead to a change in the penalty and impact possible suspensions. 
  • NEW in season meetings - The group chat was good in theory but unfortunately didnt achieve the purpose of a discussion tool.  Instead of a group chat, we are planning to have a couple open forums during the season.  It might be either online or in person.  This can be decided at the league meeting.  At that time, teams can discuss anything on their mind.
  • Better response times to emails - We admit it.  Internally, it got a little confusing last year with who was answering emails that came into the main league inbox.  This year we are going to simplify this as Owen will be answering all league emails (or will forward it to the appropriate person if necessary).
  • Dynasty deal - If you know you will be registering the team for the following winter or summer season, pay the $500 deposit now to secure your spot for the next season and save an additional $100 on the current seasons league fee PLUS get 2 free bonus pucks.  You can email the league if you want to take advantage of this deal.  
  • Higher Team referral fee - Receive a $250 credit (increased from $100) for any new team that you refer to the league (team must not have played in the league over the last 3 years)


Total Games: Minimum 20 games: 18 Reg Season and minimum 2 playoff games

Day/Times: Weekdays 6:45 to 11pm Starts. Weekends 1:30-10:30pm starts.  No games on Friday-Sunday of long weekends or Mothers Day or Fathers Day.

Home Rink Regions

Vancouver  - Trout Lake, Killarney, Kitsilano
Burnaby - Burnaby Lake, Kensington
Coquitlam - Poirier, Poirier Forum

Other Notes: 

Every team will receive a team photo

Monthly player newsletters and goalie WhatsApp chats for improved communication

Hockeyshift app for easy access to your schedule and team and player stats

Games of the week throughout the season with player of the game shirts being given away

Medals for the winning teams, individual awards and other giveaways during the season through social media contests

Mid season 3on3 tournament and bbq

Full details on Team and Player Registration and League Fees here: